when did you fall in love with a-bodies

I fell in love with them back in 1974.......

My first year out of school, and I had just landed my first job in a Body Shop as a gopher........ My Dad left my Mom and I in the lurch, and she was a housewife........no money, and no credit........My car was dying, and I spotted this "thing" in a used car lot in Utica NY........

It was 1972 Dodge Demon, 4 speed if I recall.......It was blue, hbut not sure the code.......Clean, and MEAN in the front end........an actual 340 car.........I'll never forget that "face"...........

Try as I might to get someone in my family to cosign, no such luck........

I kept that car in my mind all those years, until in 2005 I got my chance to buy one for TWICE the amount of the first (doesn't say much....)..........Built it to my own specs, and VOILA' !..............My avatar............

Now I've sold it, and reinvested in another A-Body........Just love the "fit" of a good A-Body..............I have B-Body's too, and drove them in the 70's.......But the A's are just the right size, able to leap tall buildings with the right driveline combinations, and man they are just plain sharp when done up right.

I'll definitely give them an "A+" (pun intended) for all-round Mopar satisfaction.
