Painting Engine Bay!

It's unfortunate, but the job that gives me the money to pay for my "fun" job has kept me away. :toothy10: Been super busy.

Hehe, I just hope that when it's all done, I know how to put all the parts back together. Hopefully if all goes well I'll have the color on this weekend (R6-Crimson). I'll get more shots posted.

If the engine bay turns out okay, I'm going to get courageous and strip my right front fender. The previous owner dented the fender and did a terrible patch job. It needs to be stripped, banged out a little and then filled up again properly (like I know what I'm doing). But I figure if I take my time, it can't be any worse than it is now. I fear that my car won't see the road this summer LOL. But 2009 looks to be a promising summer. :P

Sounds like you know what your doing to me.

Take your time. Keep it a hobby is what I have to tell myself all of the time LOL!