My son left today

i know you must be very proud of him for joining the military but also somewhat worried/i also have a son in the army and a nephew. my son is in afghanistan in the middle of no where and my nephew did a tour there and is due to come to iraq later this year. my self i am on my third deployment in iraq as a civillian with the army and i have to say to all that it has really changed alot for the better here .it is still a war zone by all accounts but has been retively quiet for some time now.having been here this long and seeing how all branches of the service have had to work together has changed the way i look at the other branches of the military.all of them have some damn fine people in them ! my hat is always off to them all if ww2 was suposed to be the greatest generation ever then this generation of soldiers,sailors, marines and airman are just as good or better in my opinion! they do deserve all the respect that we can offer.