Ok - Help me out a little everyone.

I'm Dave Flugum from Austin, Mn area married to my wonderful wife Roxxy! We have two great kids Beth is 12, and Jordan is 9! We also have Brutus our 7 year old Boxer-StBernard He's such a baby! We're trying to buy the home we currently rent, hopefully soon it'll be ours! I own a 74 Space Duster 360 (folddown rear seat and security panelbetween passengers and trunk) With optional sunroof. It needs a lot of work but it's worth saving in IMO! I bought Roxxy a 93 Shadow ES vert with 3.0 V6/ auto. Gotta pay some bills and then hopefully get it out of storage. The Duster has front end issues and the loud pedal is way too tempting to drive it LOL! Hopefully it can come home soon also. I know quite a few of the guys here from moparnuts.com and this is a great site. Welcome to the board Joey and good luck with finding the right Mopar!
