10" high performance clutch?

I plan to call a few shops to see if they can beef up my stocker or build another. How high is thesafe rev limit for the 273 commando? i rev mine all day long to 6-6500 rpm runs like a champ.

McLeod will rebuild an original pressure plate for around $75 with a few caveats. It has to be an original USA-type in good condition. They will not rebuild the later aftermarket types made in Mexico & overseas as they are in their words "cheap junk". Only problem I see with this is finding a decent disc. The organic ones I've seen don't seem very substantial. The Rev-lok mentioned looks really stout but not sure how a stock flywheel would fare against it. McLeod will cut down a 10" Rev-lok to a smaller size if you want to pay.

Don't see any problem running a 273 a bit over 6k providing your valve springs are good enough. Oiling would be only big concern, the stock unbaffled pan is really pathetic. Properly built you could run it to 8k but you would need to change lots for that.