Legend of the Gold Duster... Well project that is !

Looking good!
You said those are headers? Is that #3 cylinder tube routed over the # 5 & #7 plugs and drops behind the #7 tube?
Any issues with plug wire routing or starter wiring? What is your overall opinion of them?

Yep, that's exactly what the #3 tube does. The #5 and #7 plugs are a pain to get to, but I think a swivel joint socket extension will be the ticket there. Aaron bought a cut-your-own set of ignition wires. The plug boots for those two cylinders were too tall, so we cut off the straight ones and replaced them with 90 deg boots. They tuck nicely under the #3 runner. I'll post some pics soon.

The instructions for installing the headers said to put the starter in first, while the headers are loose. Of course, we didn't read that sheet until everything was bolted up tight, but thankfully, Aaron managed to get the mini-starter installed without much trouble. It's a good thing his hands are smaller than mine.
