Captainkirk's Duster project
No progress since Saturday night. Why am I telling you this? Because I've steeled my resolve to crawl back under the Rust Belt tomorrow night and carry on. I've had a well-earned rest and now it's time to get with it again.
On a different tangent, my next step will be to find a suitable primer/sealer to go over the rust coverter and serve as a base for the paint. I haven't had much luck finding ready-to-spray rattle cans and may (reluctantly) have to break down and shoot it with the spray gun, though I know what a mess that's gonna make in the garage. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it....
Lying on your back with rust peppering your face gives one a unique outlook on life and allows you to sort of meditate in an effort to drown out the shrill dentist-like whine of the mini-grinder and/or whirring of the electric drill/wire brush combo. I often wonder how I got started back down this road again, and realize it was Destiny of a different sort. After all is said and done, the L'il Red Minx with all her Naughty Girl ways came and went like a bittersweet, volatile, whirlwind relationship gone sour. Now, The Duke.....we go back a ways. Sort of like an old high school buddy who's still always around when you need him, he's always there. I think that's part of the reason I must see this through. I feel like I OWE it to him. Plus, not everyone gets to knock back a few beers with John Wayne several nights a week!
All things considered, Minxy was sort of a first love (in a car sort of way) and The Duke is more of a life-long friend. Maybe a bit like a hunting or fishing buddy, if you can relate. I had some wild times with the minx, but I know there are even better times yet to come, and that is hugely inspirational about now. It's easy to get discouraged when you view a project as a "job" or a "chore", but when you start to view it as hangin' with a life-long friend, and we'll see what we can get done together, it sorta sheds a different light on things (I'm sure there are plenty of shrinks out there who would love to discuss this with me in great detail!) but if I'm nuts, so are most of you out there nodding your heads in agreement with me. Cars are not people, yet they possess personalities, if you have the clarity to look deep enough. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have a beer with John Wayne.........:toothy10: