cleaning aluminum intake

I am certainly not trying to knock Cudachick out of any work because a freshly powder coated aluminum intake looks killer! But If you are on the CHEAP get a little of the stuff the A/C man sprays on your home central A/C unit to clean the aluminum coils! it works pretty darn good on automotive aluminum. And for some stubborn stained aluminum you can also use some easy off oven cleaner!I took an old crusty intake and sprayed it 3 different times and rinsed it well each time.
Came out looking really nice. I also keep the aluiminum coated exhaust pipes under the car clean by using easy off!
Just spray it on and wait a minute or two then wipe clean! Just make sure to wear eye and hand protection and be aware of any wind blowing,you don't want that stuff getting on you cause it burns! BE VERY CAREFUL USING ANY TYPE OF CAUSTIC CHEMICALS! I CAN'T STRESS ENOUGH "CAREFUL" CAREFUL" CAREFUL"! Please do not come back on here and say 1969340 Dart said to do this and now I am burned on one arm and lost vision in one eye and have no nose hairs left and now everything I eat taste funny! CAREFUL CAREFUL CAREFUL! You may even want to use a respirator or mask for those that are accident pronged! And can't follow directions on the labels of the items they are using!You have to use common sense! I have used this product and oven cleaner on aluminum case 4 speed trans,auto trans,old aluminum valve covers,intakes,old aluminum wheels etc. Has worked for me!