Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

Give her a scratch behind the ears for me and tell her hello Mike! She's the three legged girl right? It's amazing how well dogs get along with a handicap. We would do well to learn from them. :read2:

Maxi says "Hello to Memike!".

Yes she is ramcharger, Well hello Maxi :wave:
Chelsy won't let any dog on the hill.
She liked the scratch behind the ears. And said don't stop ,Don't stop.

Just for fun I call here tripod sometimes, She gets around great and has four acres two keep here busy. She don't bark much at all, and when she douse its just a small and quite rara.

I hope Chocolate get a great home soon, My mother-inlaw feel in love with
him too and thought it was so cool what you are doing.
I showed her your web site too.:love7: to cool she said!! :-D