Custom center console!!
I see that there are alot of the "gauges" posts coming in as of late... and I'm lurking.. :lurk:
I haven't gotten there yet. I'm not sure if I will be making my own when I get the cash for gauges or some sort of retro-fit to the stock bezel but as of now it's the lame-o stock cluster. I do have a spare that I will be experimenting on. I haven't really come up with the right look in my head, when something "hits" me I'll have it done in a week but I have no motivation to spend the bucks on something that is working and still have no idea how I want it to look. too many choices but I do have my eye on the EV marine blue from ISSPRO and the Blue racer from Defi.
there are tons of guys that have really nice looking clusters hanging around here but none that I've seen that "fit" my if someone made a tach/speedo combo gauge that looked like a clock...( short hand tach and long hand speedo...) that would be just TITS.....damnit :idea1: i think I just found my look...=P~ .......
patent pending, all rights reserved, copyrighted..side effects may include headache and drymouth :-D