How to set breaker points?
As far as installing the distributor you need to be at TDC on the #1 cylinder. You can pull the plug on #1 and bump or rotate the engine until #1 cylinder is all the way up in the cylinder and your timing marks on the balancer are at TDC then, drop in the distributor so the rotor is pointing towards the drivers side cylinder head. It will only go in two TDC or 180* out. If it's 180* out the rotor should be pointing to the #6 on the distributor cap.(it would put the rotor pointing towards the back passenger side of the engine.) just read an article I will post at the bottom. It sounds fairly simple. Rotate the crank until your at TDC on the timing and gap the points to the spec.
Just remember that you can be on #1 or #6 with the timing marks lined up at TDC that's why you have to check it. I would just line up the marks and feel inside the spark plug hole with a short piece of wire or something. You can almost see it if your at the right angle. If you don't feel the piston then rotate the crank one full turn and look for it again.
hope this helps.