Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

I kind of lost track of what I was trying to do here, so here's a good tear jerk video for you all:

And here's another heartbreaking story:

"A big, sweet German Shepherd was thrown into a drainage wash!
All he was left with was a massive leather harness, maybe they wanted a tough macho dog and he was a lover. Now he sits so scared, waiting in a crowded kill shelter, no one will want him. He has suffered such neglect, even he doesn’t feel worthy of anything. We want to save him and care for him and love him, and show him that life can be good! We can’t do anything without your help."

Ramcharger, that's not fair - pulling out the trump card on our emotions. I love dogs and wish I could take in several more but four seems to be the limit right now. If we move to a place with some more property, I am going to build a new shop and pick up a few more dogs from the Humane Society. They'll get their own little house near the shop.