Captainkirk's Duster project

"Hope you'll all bear with me as the struggle for forward progress continues......"

Damn, I misread this one. I thought you said BEER with me, so I went out and stared at my project, drank a bunch o beers, then re-read your post. I feel so silly now... and a little drunk lol.

Keep it up!


Amazing what a little liquid courage will do for ya....take tonight, for example!
Wifey crashed early; she had gotten up for work at 4:30 AM. So, at 9:30 I found myself face-to-face with the Duke, now sitting on his High Horse, and naturally, crawled under for a peek with a Killian's in one hand and a trouble light in the other......
Trouble, indeed!
Next thing ya know, I've got an hour of Traffic on the classic rock station, three Killian's in the trash, my bikes outside the garage to avoid the dust and paint overspray, and I'm rippin' on The Duke. First things first; the fuel line and vent line with their corresponding clips are in the way of my progress. John Barleycorn Must Die, says Traffic.......OK, I off they come! Next thing ya know they're straddling my roof (on the tarp, of course!) So, fuel lines now out of the way, I tear into the rust and grease on the passenger side with sandpaper, drill/wire wheel, and solvent-soaked rags. When I'm finally satisfied with my progress, Traffic has given way to some smarmy Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks crap so I pop in The Boss and crank it up...Thunder Road; now we're cookin!....and the Fabulous Rust Restorer starts goin' on, finally; 1:00 AM and I've had enough, a two-foot square section of orange rust erradicated and replaced by flat-black peace-of-mind...
I head straight for the shower and watch in amazement as rivers of red pool about my feet and run down the drain (hair makes such an amazing rust-trap!) and chuckle to myself.....Red River....The Duke...get it?....and finally make my way, all squeaky-clean once again, to my portal to the Cyber-World of FABO.
I may not be making a lot of progress, but it's the nasty stuff we never wanna do and it's getting foot at a time!
I promise myself that this is the LAST time I'll ever do this to ANY car!
Happy Fourth of July, everyone!