Paint mega-disaster (long rant)

Can't speak to whomever you're referring to, but not all lawyers are scumbags............common sense should rule........cynicism and sarcasm noted however..........

This garage is purposely raking you over the coals.......There is no shop owner alive (except one who is mentally challenged) who could possibly believe the work performed is worth that billing.........You need a reputable lawyer, and to start doing your homework........prepare the case yourself by going to a couple other body shops and detailing exactly what was done on the car......get them to give written estimates, and use them as exhibits in court.......and be sure they're well established shops, not fly by has to bear weight in court.

If you drop off your toaster to be repaired, and the guy has it for 2 years and tinkers with it for 500 hours, then bills you 5 grand for the job, it won't hold up in court. :read2: