Mopar Nats @ E-Town

FASTBACK340 said
EASY guys! It was well advertised how BAD the weather was going to be. With the sky rocketing value of these cars it doesn't make sense to risk taking them out when the weather stinks. Why chance having your car wiped out by someone else having issues driving in the rain?

the weather isnt what i meant, you cant control that, but it will control a show. the show itself has just been going downhill---for what reasons i dont know. its alot of work to put shows on, our club does 2 of them. its hard to get new people interested in participating there own time for the sake of others having fun. i would much rather lay back and enjoy the shows our club does, but then others cant enjoy and people wont show. you have to really work at these things, and alot of people i think are getting tired of going and wasting the day sitting by their cars and are looking for other things to do. that can be a tough thing to come up with feasible ideas.

if the show gets better in the future, i may go back---i had fun the times i did go, but like someone else said, when you can walk the show twice in the same day and not see anything new---its not fun.
