What happened on your July 4th weekend?

Knowing that Canadians do not selebrate the 4the of July, for obviose reasons, I just wanted to say Me and bro MeMike got drunk on Canadian beer today just to celebrate. :salute:

Bro and I cooked for 30 people today. 2 grills only, 85 beers, 2 gals wine, =

Food : Baby Back Ribs, Cabbage, Musrooms, Corn on Cob, Baked Beans, Smoked chicken legs, A Trevas Fruite Basket, Potato salad, Beef Brisket, Beer, Strawberry shortcake, Raseberry no seed slush and whipped cream, (that is how you get the vodka to the women folk), hot dogs, BEER (canadian), :drinkers: Moosehead. Good Beer eh! Went down nice after the Bud Light and Bush. Special for Bro and I :salute:

Memike drove Vicktoria next to the pool!\\:D/
WoW it was AWSOME!

Had our own car show with 1 Mopar Valiant V100.

Won 1st place!!!
Got a Ribbon!!!!

Hope your weekend was as good as ours!

God Bless!!

Kutacando! & Bro MeMike!

Sure looks like everybody had a great time. That Moosehead beer is brewed right here in my hometown. I prefer one of their other products called "Alpine". Both very good beers. I worked on the camp, the house, a friends car and my Demon. Also drank copius amouts of Alpine as I celebrated your holiday. LOL
