Happy Birthday MeMike!!!!!!!!

Well It was a very nice birthday here and at my home.:-D
I woke up this morning
and my coffie maker and my tinyspell did not work.:-|
but I made it with a can of Moutain Dew and I hope my spelling did ok.
my new Task Force tool box came with a full set of long sockets and extentions and screw driver's
And a tote bag of 22 peace Kobalt tools.
Treva got some pictures of the house fixed up for my birthday but she is still resting. bless her hart she was busy all day trying to get the house dun and keep me busy. I have been blessed with a great wife, Family, Friends and my great friends here at this home I call FABO.
They all new about Victoria and could not believe the great peopls here that has filled my hart and my drive way.:love7:
I will be adding to this thread soon as I get some of the mess picked up around the house.:clock:

Thank you guys and fine ladies here, yall sure have mad my life so great to live and enjoy.:cheers:

Mike.S Yep yalls Arkansas friend.