Congrats 340butterduster

Giles car looks bitchin' now that's aride to be proud of. Got my monthly mag in the mail(christmas gift from the wife) congrats on making the publication! I made the Atlantic Nats and spent the afternoon and part of the evening with Jack and the boys was a great time, just wish I was better able to get around to enjoy it. Maybe you will be able to make it next year. The line up to see Chip Foose was way to long so that didn't happen! But all else was good!

Good stuff Marvin, glad to hear you made it, I wish I could've made it.
It just makes things worst, when you see some pics (from Leblanc), and you see all the nice cars and the weather.
Glad to hear you had a great time with the guys also, (they don't seem to be too hard to get along with, lol).

Thanks for the kind words.
All the best,
