More Fustration
I'm with Adam..too many changes at once, IMO. You should have the car sitting with no preload at first, then, work your way tighter. I would also suggest lowering the rea, and raising the noes of your car..the T bars are not able to help weight transfer when the nose is so far down. I'd raise it 1" in the front, and try to keep the body close to level, maybe 1/2" over the lenght of the rockers' pinch weld. Then adjust the bars to have a gap of 1/8". See how the car reacts..I would not touch the carb yet, just be resigned to the fact that it will need work when you get it to hook. as soon as you can launch without spinning, then stop the suspension work, and switch to the carb. wehn the carb is dialed, then go back and polay with the suspension again. With the times you ran in the past, you should have no wheel spin.