twin scoops

This is one of the better aftermarket sets I have found Scoop/index.shtml
Apparently Mopars by Crane use to carry some nice sets but the guy doing the scoops for him no longer work for them (as of 8 months ago or so anyway) I have seen some other scoops that seemed a bit wavy when they were laid on the car and needed alot of work to try to fix. The guy from Stinger Fiberglass told me he made a set for his 70 coronet because he didn't like the aftermarket ones he was finding and all the originals were over priced and most all needed work where the studs go in. He beefed up the areas when the studs go as well as the two screws that hold on the chrome bezel. They did need a little work where the bezel when on, just some minor sanding, there seem to be a speed bump kinda looking thing on the one side but after some sanding to get the bezels to fit the look and fit great. I dont have any pics of them on the car yet because the car and scoops are at the painters right now. But here is a pic after it took them out of the box
