Magnetic Motors - The end of gasoline?

Some very good points here and I would love to see gas down to .50 a gallon too but as Hemipar said they will more than likely just cut way down on production so they have a excuse to keep the prices high. If you've noticed lately fuel prices have risen and risen even though there have been times where the price per barrel of crude came down substantially. This past week is a good example of oil price dropping. I heard on the news that this week oil the highest percentage of any time in history. IIRC it went to $147.50 week before last and by this Thursday it had dropped to $127 per barrel. That's approx a 14% drop. That should lower $4.10 gas to $3.52 but I doubt we'll see anything like that. Probably lucky if it goes lower than $4 per gallon.

Sorry I got off track of the original post but it is related.