Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

Oh ok ... I'll wait.

Yeah I bet it was a lot of work. If I could just let him go to get over the first energy burst and calm down I might could do something with him. But right now I have to stay with him and when the energy burst is over I'm ready to call EMS!

When I first get home, she gets 100% of my attention for a couple minutes then I let her run crazy 8's and do her dog thing in the back yard for 5 minutes while I have a smoke. We come back in, I change clothes and we do the frisbee/tennis ball thing to bleed off some more energy. I give her 30 minutes to calm down while I pay some bills, unload the dishwasher, or whatever else needs to be done.

This helps a lot but isn't even close to the whole story. It's freaking amazing how strong these dogs are and I understand your frustration. One day I actually had burns around my hand, it was incredible. You can't let yourself get mad though.... It's just behavior, it's not personal. Hershey is not trying to kill you even though it may feel like it at the moment, lol!

Stunning dog BTW :) I think he needs to pull a sled, lol! I'll bet he could hunt all day and not even be tired. He's a working dog and that's what he was bred for.