Vic Hubbards Speed Shop - Hayward, CA

Here's a pic (whoops, I will add the image tomorrow) of a few of us that got together at the Downtown Hayward Festival & Car Show. From left to right: hkellar, GTXperience, Thrashard340, slantscamp & redfastback. I think I can speak for the group when I say that we had a great time ... tons of bench racing and the two large pizzas and four pitchers of IPA/Sam Adams didn't hurt either. ;-) Hopefully, we can all meet again next month. BTW: We stayed at the Festival that night but I met hkeller over at Vic Hubbards to take advantage of their midnight madness sale. When I got there (approx. 9-9:30pm), the staff were lining up cars out onto the street for burnouts. Again, Hubbards was price matching Summit/Jegs and not charging tax (even on special orders).

I didn't take many but here's a few more pics of that night at: Events/Downtown Hayward Car Show July 08/