Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

Sorry--rescue work takes a lot of time from me....usually only have time to go on this site (you are right!) about once a week!

Several tips:
1. Move the collar up toward the ears....use nylon not chain collars.
2. use the word 'heel' or 'by me' with their name so they know you are expecting certain behaviors....always say this....Name-heel!
3. once the collar has tightened, it is no longer effective....most dogs tighten their neck muscles at the same time...a correction is a firm (not huge all out) tug and release...even if you have to step toward them to loosen the collar! The release is important!!
4. Praise when the lead/collar is loose and the dog is not pulling
5. I use treats--I show them to the dog, and the dog who is food motivated will stay focussed on the treats rather than the billion distractions out there on the road.
6. Try to teach the heel/by me in a quiet place with fewer distractions...walk slow!!

If all else fails, use the halti or head collars.....I have a friend who has a huge rottie (I think I am the only one who can control him) and she uses the head collar to walk him. Otherwise, he drags her down the road on her butt.

Problem is that these guys need more walks and exercise, but it hurts us too much, and we tend to give them less and less....can you get a 50 ft tie-out and throw a ball/frisby first?

You can reach me at flypiper at juno .com
I am sorry it took so long!!!
