Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

Thanks! I have not been spending time with Hershey as I should. I have been working on my car but have recently started to spend some time with him. It has been very humid and hot here in the south and it does not take much and you are ready to get in front of a fan or back in the AC.

I walked Hershey last night and walked real slow with a different attitude about the walking deal. He kept looking at me like "why aren't we running across the yard wide open like we always do?" I would kneel down and say "come here" and he would up to me and I would praise him. I know this probably all wrong but he did better it seems about not pulling as hard.

The treats are going to help big time but haven't picked some up yet. The collar closer around the ears makes since.

Thanks for the info. I am going to start getting serious about training Hershey.