Need a good TuneUp Tech Guide for Thermoquad
demonsizzler is a tq guru.
He had a membership on the old board, but I haven't seen him here yet.
I think this is a current email addy for him.
[email protected]
He does have a board somewhere too. Very knowledgeable and friendly
Personally, I feel the first step to tuning a 25 year old smog carburator is removal.
Step 2 find garbage can, and attempt long distance toss. Can be made into a game for the whole family.
Step 3, buy something that has had at least some updates since the introduction of the cassete tape, :afro: and doesn't have a center section made of plastic. :puker:
Those are just my thoughts, no offense...LOL 8)
I can't be flaming you, because I used to have a duster that looked alot like that, but mine was a 73 340 duster. I loved that car. :salut: