HELP! Need 8 3/4 Rear end for 70' Duster

B & E body rear ends are too long for the A-body cars, you can also use the A-body 8.25 rear end, and they already have the 4.5" bolt pattern axles, and they can hold up to the power of a big block.

MOPAR CHARLIE, I specialize in A-Body cars

Please feel free to call me @ 727-271-5068

HUH??? Sorry this is bad info.

8.25 hold up to big block... I got a transbraked, 500", 12.50x30 car. Bring every 8.25 you have and I'll break it on the first pass. Way too general.

There are a TON of A body cars running around with 66-70 B body rears in them. I have two myself. Is it wider, yes. Too long, no way. Perches are 1" wider than an "A" 44" vs 43" and you can either move the springs out the 1/2" or change perch location.

As far as width it's like 1.25" on each side. Good thing most manufactures make wheels with varied offsets/backspacing.

If you put a B 8.75 rear in an A you get rid of the crappy 4" bolt circle. Two added bonuses; much stronger than a 8.25, easier gear changes if desired. B 8.75 rears are CHEAP compared to a like optioned A rear.

The original statement is like saying a BB is too big for a 72 Dart because the factory didn't originally install one. You can make it work if you design a solution.