Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

My wife yes, my Mopar maybe, my dog ..... NEVER !

What a great pic!

ya once our dog is outta sight, he ignores you, you can call him all he want and he wont come or even make any noise. one day i was workin in the garage and i got up and didnt see him anywhere, went lookin for him, as soon as my dad gets home (hear his car) he walks out from behind the shed:angry7:

if you ever have your camera with you, you should snap some pics of there rides for me, i like the oldies8)

I'll see what I can do. I usually see them out in front of the club garage on Sat. afternoons.

Damn!! How's their disposition? Good with people? Are they easy to train or are they "bullheaded" like my Rott mix? I'll bet your dog food bill is astronomical!

Beautiful mixed German Shepperd. I'm sure it will find a great Mopar home . Here's a few pictures of My daughter Christina and our 2 dogs. Smaller one is a female Italian Pointer, aka Bracco Italiano (rare breed) and the bigger one is also a female ,she's an Alaskan Malemute mixed with a Collie (125 lbs) . Hope you like my "gang"

Great looking pack you have there! That pointer's really cool looking, never seen anything like it. :read2: