Mopars you should have purchased

1970 Super Bee. 4-speed, BB. Ran fair, my pal drove it home about 100 miles. I found it for him.

70 Coronet. Clean, but in peices with 440/727 for 1k. Same friend. At the time I couldn't raise $50.00 so I didn't pursue it. I probably could do something now but times have changed.

He ended up with cancer and then gave me the car. I was more worried about seeing him off properly than the car. Then time passed and it would have been awkward to ask for it so I did not. Even though our respective families still hang out together.

The strange thing is that I found him all the cars, and a few more. I was too stupid playing with Fords to figure it out. This was in the first muscle car rush of the early 90's. All around me were into Mopars, but I couldn't see the light until the day I left the area. It was too late then.

Time moves on. Now that I would like to share the Mopar thing with him and he has passed on.

And so the world turns....