So you want 2 go Big block...Read this first!
Adam hits the nail on the head, period.
I was chatting it up with a few fellas at work. One of them said he wanted to get back into it when he retires, in a few months, but was afraid due to not truly knowing anything. He's 10+ years older than me and remembers the golden age when he was younger. Everybody had something he said. The streets were chok filled.
I told him since he didn't know much, to find someone he trusted alot and ask for there help in finding the car he wanted in the best condition he can afford. Paying the piper up front like that will save boat loads of money and headaches galore.
Otherwise, on a basic level of looking at things when doing a car, I often tell people who ask, if you want a killer looking car, do the above I mention or be prepared to spend the like amount on your old ride as it will cost you as much as a new car.
OK, theres a large variable there with the words, "New car", but, theres a ton of truth to it. Alot depending on how much you do, how much you farm out and the level of finish you wish it to look and perform at.