Running out of room, time for some to go!

Hey everybody just wanted to put my $.02 in on this.I have been to Dallas's place and had a look around and can honestly say his "Little" collections are well worth the prices he is asking.These aren't high $$$$ Ebay shells he's got IMO.Everyone i seen (which was most of them) either are good to go cars or are above average builders.If I hadn't shot my load on other stuff that 68 Barracuda cpe would be mine!!!And a few he calls parts cars(not listed here) would make damn good projects as well.

I appreciate the :thumbup:. I wish I had time to fix them all.
I have a sale pending on the 1968 Barracuda convertible. Hopefully it will be picked up in a couple of weeks.
I apologize to those that have visited my site as I haven't updated it in awhile. Many of the pics are of the cars when I first got them. I have done quite a bit of work on some of them. If anyone is interested in a specific vehicle just let me know. If it's one I have been working on I can send a list of the repairs I have made and more recent pics if necessary. I probably should have put a more elaborate description of each in the ad but I wanted to keep it as short as possible.
Thanks to those who have responded so far,