Running hot

Hell, I'm running a 360, 9:1..nothing drastic. Engine was totally rebuilt, and it always kinda runs hot.

In the winter months it's fine, but once it starts to warm up outside (85+ degrees) it gets pissy in traffic, and doesn't cool down once out on the highway.

17x26" 3 core radiator
25% coolant mix
water wetter
180 degree stat (tested to work at proper temp)
dual 12" E-fans pushing 3000cfm

I haven't given it a "proper" shake down with the e-fans yet, but sitting in the driveway it heats up to 200, and stays there. I have the E-fans set to kick in at 200/out at 180, but they don't seem to cool it down, just keep it from getting hotter. I'll see how it goes, but it really should cool better with all the cooling help I'm giving it.

My timing is set at 19 degrees at idle. Is that too much? Does lean running really effect how hot the engine runs? I ask because I know my engine isn't tuned very well right now.