741 case; 7290 LARGE U-joint yoke???

I realize that the answer is probably a resounding NO!!!!, followed by gales oF laughter, but I have a very good 741-case 3.55 with a brand bew Auburn limited slip that works really well.

I am apprehensive that my Vortech blown 360 MAGNUM, with 10 pounds of boost, might shred the small U-Joint in the rear (I have a 7290 planned for the front.)

If such a part exists, I'd like to swap this small (7260) unit for the larger one, but I don't have very high hopes....:)

Anyone know for sure, one way or the other???

A resounding Yes!!
the yokes will swap,..done did that..got a 3.91 SG 741.
How it'l hold up? Depends on how hard you hammer on it, and traction. The 741 has been looked down on for all out perf, but mine is 90% street---should last me just fine.