Whats everone working on?
blew up the motor in my 89 Chevy S10 a few weeks back. had a 2.5 so called IRON DUKE. sat still on a backwoods road for about 3 minutes at 3000rpm with the right tire roasting off. got home and tried to start it up an hour or so later. had a blown head gasket 208626 miles on the motor. the tire was sol. bought a new 2.5 with 117k miles put it in. finally gettin it ready to go. 91 2.5 89 S10. wiring harness wouldnt match the distributor so i had to swap the distributor out. now the timings way off. hope to have it runnin tomarro so i can drive it to school. its a shortbed and man is it fun to do donuts and drift aroudn and cause all kindsa chaos. when my Darts dont ill be more subtle. lol its a straight headered machine!! and my s10s quiet. so i can do burnouts without gettin noticed. it is a chevy but its fun to romp around in. i hope i dont get kicked off the site for sayin that. =\