First outing in the Altered!!

Now that we've had it out a few times, the verbal beatings have commenced on my choice of powerplants. You guys have thickened my skin, so I'm prepared, but what I was not prepared for last night at a local cruise was the guy dropping F-bombs about the engine in front of my young daughter, who rode passenger with me, loving the ride the whole time!! What a doggoned jerk this guy was. I finally shut him up by asking what he drove. . . To quote:
"Well, I"ve sold off all my Hemi Cudas, but I got a '66 VW now". Dude, shut up, you are making a fool of yourself. You are outta your league. Everyone else got the vibe of the car and dug it.
Some people never learn....

I"ve never tried to put down anothers car. I try to appreciate everything they have accomplished with it. Its just a car. Have fun with it. Thats what we all do.

Tom Clark is coming over this weekend to perform his lettering and pinstriping magic on the car. Looks like it'll be ready for a Mopar debut at the "Fling" if you guys'll let me bring it? I promise to keep the hood down, unless someone asks to see the void between the framerails.