My apology to the site & mrtires

Hey Tony,

I think your dart looks awesome and is a beast man....I know what its like to have everybody tell you what you have, own, or have done is bad or crap or **** and i totally understand your reason for bursting not going to lie, i probably would have done the same thing...When people dont like something that is different, they feel the need to criticize, but lets see how they feel if the tables were turned on them...bottom line is though you handled it like a apologized and showed that you know you could have made a better choice, and in my books, that is the best showcase of making a good decision- learning from your mistakes....I hope your not going to stop logging in because of this (if your being kicked off thats another story i guess)....i think you should stick around...**** happens and you have shown your man enough to get over it, so stick around....if others cant accept it or get over it, then screw em...anyways hope you stay, and as i said before i love your car, looks evil man!
