My apology to the site & mrtires

Im sorry for being rude and using bad language on this site

My reason for cussing mr tires out was because everytime i post a pic of my engine on the internet i always get negative replies & insults. I even got e-mails saying the same rude crap about my shock towers from people i dont know.

Mr tires only said my car looks like a hack job once and made 1 smart comment... that just pissed me off really bad because it was only the 248th time that its happened.

you dont have to tell me that my car is a hack job & you also dont have to tell me that you would rather vote for Barrack Obama then hack up a dodge dart.

I bought my dart like this, all i did to it was install a transmission!


Your not including all the info here Tony!

You say that you allways get negative replies and insults, and even Emails saying the same rude carp...
1. Have I sent you ONE EMAIL????? NO
2. Have you sent me any email??? YES, your first one was short and sweat. It read "F*%$ OFF!
3. have I even responded to your emails??? NO
4. DID I make the comment after you started swearing and flipping out on me? YES

I commented on your car being a hack job after you fingered me, and started saying crap to me. just click the link and scroll down to my "piss yellow duster" as you called it.
I made that comment..and only of that one item of your car. I also asked for you to post a pic of ypour car on the fenderwells or underchassi post because it is a relative topic for that post, and we had been comunicating on the post previously.
What have you said about my car? You Have commented negativly on my Paint color, my tires, my rims, my interior, my ride hight, my headers, my wireing. You have made way more coments than I did, and the only reason I commented on your car the way I did, was because you :thebirdm: me and said I asked for it. ASked for what? click the link above..its all there.

.:bootysha: Tell him to kiss your butt,Its your car,you are going to do it your way,the way you want it,

Mrmopartech, you should read all the posts. ( most of tony's are deleted now though. and if you have read missed something. I deffinatly shouldn't be the *** kisser here.

Go to the underchassi or fenderwells posts, or RB backfire post, or bracing shock towers post. All Tony's negative coments are there. My comments are only a reaction. and I apologised to Rumblefish through a PM, because I fealt that I should have let it go. I also apologised to the site. I have received emails of how I kept my cool and all.

Tony, your apology is clouded, and has some really bad facts, and makes me look bad. I never did anyting but make a negative comment after you were flipping out. and thats that,
