Dash dueling

Glad they got you fixed up.
When I ordered mine, I talked to Walter.
Got the right cap, but with scratches, decided to keep it since I really did not care to send it back and play more logistics games.

He has been the only guy I ever talked to at Year-None, in the numerous dealings I had with them, that seemed like he knew what he was talking about.
Every other time I got cave man type order takers with the personality of an underpaid, low seniority, union baggage handler.

Advice to first time Year-None callers.

1.Make sure you have the catalog in front of you with the part # in plain view.

2. Make sure you have them check while you are on the phone with them that the part is indeed in stock.

3. Don't fall for their sales tactic that "We will be getting them in next week, that's B.S!

4. These same rules pretty much apply to any vendor you deal with, so get the name of the person you talk to.

5. I have even went so far as to have my own recording on a small tape recorder that I pressed play when I finally got a salesman on the phone that said "This call may be recorded for quality control." LOL!

It kinda freaks them out a bit especially if they don't have one of their own recordings and it seemed like it helped, but if not, it sure felt good to shake them up a bit ha, ha.

Gosh, I'm evil sometimes.