
I'm just about finished with my '64 273, hopefully going back in the car in the next week or two. Man, what a pain it has been to get parts....030" over pistons, had to weld up nasty corrosion pits in the timing cover since the new covers have you re-route the lower rad hose, limited options for intake manifold and solid cam, conversion to hydraulic cam & lifters.... In the end, I'll have about $2300 into parts, machining, balancing this motor (includes a valve job). I'll have the satisfaction of doing it myself, but I could have got a more powerful 318 professionally built for less. If I had to do it over again, I'd go the 318 route. My two cents.....

I had to replace my timing cover too, but they are easy to find. Look for poly 318 timing covers. Its the exact same part. I sleeved the cylinders in my block instead of over sized pistons, used 85' 318 swirlport heads and now can use any intake I want. The only thing you have to do to convert from a solid lifter cam to a hyd. is swap the cam and lifters and buy longer pushrods. You can reuse the adjustable rockers.