My apology to the site & mrtires

This is an Internet Forum.
Sometimes people forget this isn't the real world here,
and also just like in the Real World we say things a little to quick,
and without thinking.

Heck, sometimes I forget the world isn't perfect,
and neither am I.
WAAAH WAAAH ;) Ok enough whining. LOL.....

Life is too short, try to have a little fun while your here,
and try to be polite to your fellow humans.


First ----- no one is making me look good or bad, no one is making mrtires look good or bad

2nd ----- i didnt start cussing mr tires out until i read him say "fenderwell headers look discusting" (for the third time) & them clicking onto the fenderwell or underchassis topic and clearly see mr tires write "HEY TONY GTS, post a pic of your engine compartment so we can see how great fenderwell headers look" & then you had a smiley wink. This was clearly a "smart ***" comment.

Third ----- i gave you an innocent middle finger smiley ( the site offers it and you took offense like it was serious) Not only did you give it to me back but you also said my car was a hack job too. that triggered me but what really triggered me was your "Smart ***" comment

4th ---- Why did you have to apologize to keith (66340sedan) in the middle of our argument? You had to apologize to him because you were clearly saying that fenderwell headers look like hack jobs

5th ----- what i said about your car (chrome bumbers, column shift, etc...) were only weak attemps to get you back. IF I REALLY DIDNT LIKE CHROME BUMBERS, COLUMN SHIFT, YOUR AIR CLEANER, TRUCK RIDE HIEGHT, CHRYSLER RALLY RIMS & EVERYTHING ELSE I SAID ABOUT YOUR CAR I WOULDNT HAVE THOE PARTS ON MY OTHER CARS.

For examble, I own 12 cars... 4 are column shift automatic, My mustang has your same air cleaner, My dads dodge demon has rally wheels, my 1969 coronet has a lifted suspension ( the top of wheel lip is 4 inshec over the top of the tires, i did this because i like big cars with big ride heights), And my only car with painted bumbers is the black dodge dart