rocker spacers.
Degreeing is done to ensure the key way in the crank (and cam) is where it's supposed to be and the keyway in the crank gear (and cam gear) is were it needs to be in relation to the gear teeth and to ensure the "dots" were accurately placed. Once this is determined then you can adjust for in accuracies or deviate from the cam manufacturers recomended installation point if it's desired.
Racer Brown may make their cams spot on every time but that won't make a difference if everything else is not correct. So if it's important to degree brand X then it's important to degree a Racer Brown.
Mopar, I have also heard the stories of how inaccurate the dot to dot is. But with all the CNC equipment being used these days to make parts I find it hard to believe that lining up the dots is an issue any more. I have never degreed or seen a cam degreed where everything is not within a 1/2 degree of where it should be which is of no importance on a street engine.
Most street cams provide the best overall power when they are installed 4 degrees advanced and most cams are ground that way these days so dot to dot will have the cam installed at the ideal 4 degrees advanced. I believe that is what 70Barracuda is refering to when he states that Racer Brown cams do not need to be degreed.