Running hot

Just an FYI - I dont want to hyjack the thread but I figured I'd post my latest results. Basically I got an old OEM 22" shroud for free that was cracked at the top. I glued it back together. Go my rad flow tested (35gpm) and installed a 180 t-stat (replaced the 195 that was in there). Problem solved. It was 91 degrees here last week and I went for a drive and then sat in my driveway in Drive for awhile. It stayed around 190 while cruising. It crept up to 200 while I sat in the driveway but once it got there it didnt budge. The shroud was what made the most difference...

I did actually pop for the alluminum Mancini OEM look replacement unit and shroud and it just came in Friday. My Autozone special and ugly beat up shroud just dont look very nice so even though I got it work ok, I'm hoping to stay more rock-steady around 180 with the new alluminum set-up.