timing at 30 BTDC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Back again!!

I just checked the instructions that came with my Mopar converstion kit.

It says setup as follows.

1) Set for total mechanical advance. Run engine at 2000RPM and set at
@ 35' BTDC total. (Vacuum advance plugged)
2) Run engine at cruise speed and note vacuum produce by engine btw
2000 - 4000 rpm.
3) Start engine and run at 2600 RPM and apply noted vacuum to dist with
vacuum pump.
4) Total advance with mech@35 and noted vacuum should be 50' BTDC.

ALL "A" engines 50 BTDC total
ALL "B/RB 56 BTDC total
ALL Hemi 53 BTDC total

Sound right to you?????
