1970 dart swinger big block $7700.00

You may have had the car sold already if you'd take the time to provide folks with some simple answers such as...WHAT ENGINE IS ACTUALLY IN YOUR CAR????

Is it really that difficult to slide under your car and take a look at the block??? Or would you prefer to keep dropping the price until someone decides they don't care what engine is in this car because you're simply giving it away. With all due respect..you're laziness is costing you $$$. I would guess someone in your stated situation would want to make as much effort to sell this car for as much as reasonable. For crying aloud...several generous people have told you exactly where to look! Again, your lack of effort (laziness as I see it) is costing you..and your family.

Continue to ignore simple requests for info from folks that may be interested in purchasing your car. I'll sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. It's your loss though....