Im not an expert but......

A few years ago, I had pulled into a quick-stop grocery store one night about 1am to get a coke. When I came out, there were 4-5 "young fellas" standing around my Swinger (I had previously removed all nameplates, tags, emblems, scoop, dog dish hubs...nothing to give this car away except fat tires and sewer-sized exhaust out the back) and one of the older fellas asked me if it was a Rambler Ambassador....I laughed till I cried. I said, "no, its a '72 Dodge Dart with a /6." and then they commenced to giving me a ribbing about it being a ma-ma's car. So I then bet them all $100 bill that there wasn't a car in the parking lot that could take her in the 1/4 mile. One of the Honda jocks was tempted, but decided against it. I got in and lit off that 440 and they all jumped back about 3 feet. There mouths were wide open as I left a couple nice black tire strips AFTER it shifted into 2nd gear........ Nothing like Mopar power.
Several days later, my son came home and said something about that encounter. The word was out: Stay away from that old fart in the old blue Dodge....the car is baaad and he is crazy!