It's interesting to read the for-and-against posts about the 273. I personally like the HP273. My first car had a HP273 and my present car has the same.
I know it would probably be easier and cheaper to just put in a 318-340-360-408 stroker-new style hemi-etc-etc-etc. There some of us that choose and respect what the 273 is. It's the underdog. "No torque on the bottom end"
is what I hear. As long as I can let the clutch out in first gear and spin the tires who cares. Most of us don't want to build an all out race motor capable of *** horse power at *** rpm. We just want a 273 that is fun to drive, can spin the tires when we want, and because of the design, can get 20 mpg.
(that's just a bonus). Keep the positive 273 posts going. I own one and I'm a believer. (ps to all you other guys, I respect what you do with your cars. I would love to have a pro street 64 Dart with a 408 stroker. My 66 Dart is
pretty close original so that's why I like my HP273.. toolmanmike