cooling issues

Interesting thoughts. I don't have the top tank filled all the way when its running as I am worried about it overflowing, with the thermometer stuck in the cap. But even still I cant imagine its going to hold much more than 1 additional quart. I'll give it a shot, later this week. On a business trip now.

I'm also going to try clamping the upper hose down with some wood working clamps to see what if anything that does, (player1up's suggestion), to restrict the flow.

I do have an expansion tank on the thing, but I have not had the system completely filled so that it spills into the thing. Again, something to try when I top off the radiator.

The coolant flow thru the radiator looks pretty fast to me. Water is churning around in there pretty well. The clutch on the fan is working. It pulls lots of air.

I've pretty much convinced myself its the radiator cooling capacity and not much else. When you have good flow, and 220 at the top and 195 at the bottom it seems as though the thing just cant handle the cooling needs of the engine.

I will putz around with the radiator shop later this week and see what they have to say. Problem is - I don't think there is room to install a three row core with these tanks. If that's the case then its new radiator time.