Looking to trade if the right car comes along.!!!

I'm not taking anything back either. The guy has 2 posts, then comes in here with this statement...

""so don't try and ask me to trade for junk or a rusted out car that someone has put por 15 on to hide cancer or someone who has painted the undercarriage with black paint to hide problems""

...like we're all a bunch of losers trying to "steal" his car. Well, I take offense to that "attitude" and I let him know. Sorry if I ruffled feathers, but thats how I feel. I thought some time ago, we were going to have a minimum post limit before people could come in here and sell their stuff. Guess it never happened.

Rant off.

i think you took it way too personally.

I think you should exercise what your avitar tries to program...cause you clearly give a damn... If you didn't, you wouldn't have made a comment. a comment that wasn't needed. You took it way too personally. he never called any of us losers, or theifts. so here's a tip. If you don't like a post..close it and don't look at it.

I guess your so senior and no it all cause you have 340 posts compared to his 9. and that you have been a member since 2005. That just proves you should show a little more respect and understanding. Who cares if a new member comes on just to try and sell something. Leave it to everyone else if they want to deal with the newbie. The more, the marier.
