Classic car Hobby under attack

I wonder if the writer ever noticed a lot of much newer front drivers or minivans driving around on their space saver/ emergency tires? You can bet they've been on for more than a day or two sometimes, especially if the vehicle has that "low rent" look about it.
I think there are some people out there who are jealous of the fact that some people can work on their own cars, not just choose to. And since they can't, they don't think anyone else should be able to either.
Or, maybe their tricycle was run over by a vintage car as a child....they feel threatened by old cars somehow.
Like people who view an old vehicle that isn't running as a severe environmental threat, how is it a polluter when it doesn't run? Almost any running vehicle leaks more than a car just sitting there. Although I can sympathise with neighbors who have junk collections in full view.
Sorry for the rant,