Classic car Hobby under attack

I took the time to read the whole article and didn't see it as an attack on antique vehicles. I can't believe you guys aren't in an uproar about only being legally allowed to drive your car once a week. I drive mine every day.

It's only if you use the classic plates. That being said the author was an uneducated person who was most likely assigned to wright the story and didn't do much research. I read some of the comments and they were pretty much the same, We take care of our classic cars better then most people with commuter cars. Why did they feel the need to attack classics after a tire blew on a '74 bike? I have seen tires blow on cars that left the dealer 2 weeks prior. Instead of writing about something he doesn't know about he should have written about all the soccer moms with cell phones, or teens with cell phones or any of the other big distractions that people do. sorry rant over